St. Andrew’s offers a weekly program on Thursday nights beginning at 5:30 PM that provides an opportunity to shower and enjoy a hot meal for neighbors from the surrounding area who may not have access to this necessity of life. A light laundry service is provided while these neighbors shower and relax. This is a time for the community to rest and socialize in a safe area as a respite from the outside environment.
For information or to volunteer contact Edward Kopas at
St. Andrew’s offers a Food Pantry the 2nd & 4th Saturday of every month (but NOT the 4th Saturday in December) from 9:00 AM – 12 Noon. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. We partner with the Central Texas Food Bank (CTFB) and Austin Diaper Bank to serve a variety of customers from the surrounding area who face food insecurity. Volunteers are needed for a variety of tasks at each Food Pantry on Saturday morning as well as picking up food from CTFB and preparing for the Food Pantry on Fridays, and picking up diapers from Austin Diaper Bank. Click here for a Pantry Calendar. Click here to learn more about the ways you can donate to our food and diaper pantry. To learn more about volunteering with our food pantry, contact Laura Landsman at
St. Andrew’s makes room on our property for a well-tended and much appreciated fully organic garden. The delicious bounty is offered to clients at Food Pantry when in season. There’s a wide variety of vegetables and herbs that can be used in many ways to flavor and sustain so many families facing food insecurity. Volunteers are needed for a variety of jobs including planting, mulching, weeding, watering, and harvesting – all seasonally.
For information or to volunteer contact Yvette Shelton at
Normally St. Andrew’s offers a Cold Weather Shelter on nights beginning at 5:30 PM on those cold nights designated as Cold Weather Shelter nights by the City of Austin. Those needing shelter are offered an evening meal, showers, light laundry, and a safe place to sleep for the night and a light breakfast before departing the next morning.
To volunteer or for information contact Ed Kopas at
St. Andrew’s partners with the Workers Defense Project to provide holiday gifts to families that have been identified as needing additional support to provide gifts and food for the holidays. The congregation chooses a tag with a person's name from the Giving Tree in the church, shops and wraps the gift, returns it to the church, then volunteers deliver the gifts to the families right before Christmas…the true spirit of giving.
For information or to volunteer, contact Lisa Ward at
St. Andrew’s coordinates an annual Tamale Sale to support the programs of Manos de Cristo which include emergency food and clothing, quality low-cost dental care and adult education classes. The congregation and friends can order from 5 types of tamales in late November and pick up their orders early in December. It is a delicious way to help while enjoying the holidays.
For information or to volunteer, contact Beth Davis at
St. Andrew’s participates with CROP Hunger Walk annually in March (date varies year-to-year) by sponsoring walkers with donations. All donations benefit CROP Hunger Walk. To volunteer, participate, or for information, contact Ed Kopas at
Sundays 8:15 a.m. service in-person.
Our 11:00 a.m. service can be viewed via Zoom, YouTube Livestream and in-person.
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