We are Presbyterian, yet our first allegiance is to Christ’s gospel of universal love.
We are Christ centered, yet we respect and learn from all religions of love.
We affirm the ancient symbols of our faith, yet we strive to speak a new language that includes all people and affirms the scientific discoveries of our day.
We hope to teach children the stories of the Bible without sectarian dogma.
We strive to be a close, nurturing community, yet we welcome all people into our midst.
We wish to live in inner peace, yet hear God’s call to work for peace and for universal human rights.
We take faith seriously, yet believe the journey should be fun. We celebrate life in many artistic forms.
Knows the ins and outs of paperwork
Knows what it's like to crunch numbers
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congregational affiliations.
St. Andrews will be a church that celebrates and lives Christ’s universal love in the modern world.
The mission of St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church is to learn and teach the radical and universal love of Jesus Christ by:
• Nurturing individual spirituality and growth,
• Fostering community, sharing and celebrating the circle of life
• Providing space and time for personal and communal reverence
• Championing universal human rights and courageously acting to overcome injustice.
At St. Andrew’s we believe that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, and that all who grace our doorway, and others who participate in any church related activity deserve to feel emotionally and physically safe.
Sundays 8:15 a.m. service in-person.
Our 11:00 a.m. service can be viewed via Zoom, YouTube Livestream and in-person.
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